NCRTD November 6 Ballot Question to Reauthorize the Regional Transit Gross Receipts Tax
Target Audience: The target audience was registered voters in the four county area of Santa Fe, Rio Arriba, Los Alamos and Taos in north central New Mexico. The area encompasses over 10,000 square miles and more than 70 communities. Additional target audience identified included district transit operators, riders, media, social and community groups and opinion makers.
Strategy Objective:Playing off the APTA "Community" campaign, a series of marketing programs were developed and executed to educate and inform the public. Encourage them to vote. o Materials were created to raise awareness, business card, rack card, Quick Facts, FAQ to be placed on buses and handed out by drivers as well as made available at events o Op-ed campaign was developed to interview, write and place in local newspapers featuring riders, local politicians and opinion leaders o Two-minute emotional video about building community o Radio and print advertising o Social Media o Grassroots speaking engagements to: Rotaries, Lions Clubs, AARP, League of Woman Voters, City Councils, County Commissions, Chambers o Submit written pieces to association newsletters, community blogs, Tribal newsletter
Situation Challenge: The NCRTD was established in 2004 and there was no source of funding other than membership contributions and matching federal funds. To secure a reliable funding source, a 1/8 of one cent Regional Transit Gross Receipts Tax was presented to the voters in Nov of 2008 and was approved. The ordinance adopted by the Counties contained a sunset provision, which required that the tax be rescinded in January 2024 unless reauthorized by the voters. As the GRT represents 68% of our funding, we decided to place a question on the November ballot to reauthorize the tax and remove the sunset. A public opinion poll found high support for public transit and less awareness of the NCRTD and its services. A public education campaign was implemented to build awareness and succeed in the Nov election.
Results Impact: The campaign was very successful. There was great awareness of the NCRTD, the service we provide and the benefit to our communities (we serve over 70 communities). The ballot question was endorsed by the Albuquerque Journal, Santa Fe New Mexican, Taos News, Rio Grande Sun and Santa Fe Reporter. The vote passed in a landslide with over 74% voting FOR the reauthorization and removal of the sunset. Support for the transit tax in 2018 was 17% higher than in the 2008 election.
Why Submit: A successful ballot campaign leading to passage by over 74% of the voters is a significant accomplishment. This year there were a number of transit ballot initiatives. Many passed, but a number didn't. If we can set an example of what worked in a successful campaign and share that template with other transit marketing and communications professionals - we can all benefit from it!