Buildling Awareness of Americans' Support of Government Funding of Public Transportation
Target Audience: HNTB Corporation's America THINKS public opinion survey, "Public Transportation in the U.S.-2018," identified and measured perceptions of Americans toward public transportation. It provided the basis for a multi-media outreach campaign to create awareness of the value and importance public transportation has on our economic vitality and quality of life, and encourage use and funding for this vital mobility component. National, regional and local target audiences include: - Public transportation provider agencies - Public transportation provider agency leadership - Elected and appointed officials, regulators who decide/influence policy and funding - Public transportation industry media - Public transportation consumers
Strategy Objective:HNTB's objective was to communicate awareness among targeted audiences of American's overwhelming support for public transportation, and provide actionable information for use in the formation of policy, investment choices and operational decisions. The strategy utilized multi-media communications components including: - News release - Infographic fact sheets - Animated infographics - Proactive media outreach - Thought leadership communications content - Distribution of survey findings included in HNTB publications - Proactive social media outreach - Presentation/distribution at APTA's 2018 Annual Conference - Presentations to individual transit agencies - Presentations to policy/funding decision makers and influencers - Digital availability of survey findings
Situation Challenge: Demand for mobility is increasing while the transportation network is under duress from rising demand and long-term deferral of maintenance and investment. Simultaneously, perceptions of public transportation have evolved from that of a social service to a desirable means of mobility that delivers specific benefits. HNTB's survey highlighted the need to generate awareness of Americans' perceptions about public transportation. The survey measured the extent of Americans' desire for access to high quality public transportation and expectations of government funding, and quantified the surprising extent of broad national agreement and support among those living in urban, suburban and rural areas, across all age groups and every region of the U.S.
Results Impact: The campaign resulted in greater public awareness as demonstrated by: --Multiple positive mentions in trade and mainstream media in the U.S. and Canada, including: >Mass Transit Magazine (circulation: 23,000+) >Roads & Bridges (circulation: 61,000+) >Informed Infrastructure (circulation: 42,000) >Metro Magazine (circulation: 20,500) >Chronicle Journal-Daily Newspaper, Ontario (circulation: 17,200 daily) --Distribution to several hundred attendees at three sessions/events during 2018 APTA Annual Conference --Social media impacts of motion graphics >LinkedIn ? 6,200+ Impressions ? 2,300+ Views >Twitter ? 2,200+ Impressions --Content used with multiple HNTB thought leadership outlets including THINK Magazine (circulation: 10,000), THINK viewpoints, THINK white papers
Why Submit: This campaign successfully identified and measured Americans' opinions and concerns toward public transportation and provided exclusive data maximized by HNTB in a variety of communications channels to media, transit agency leaders, elected and appointed officials who determine/influence public transportation policy, funding and operational decisions. The campaign raised understanding of those attitudes among people in every living in urban, suburban and rural areas, every region of the nation, and age group.