GoTriangle - GoForward Video

Target Audience: During this time we were a leader in 3 counties' transit plans and investments. We needed a way to speak to the community and tell the story of what was to come. Approaching the potential improvements holistically allowed us to tell the full story within one campaign. Our target audience consisted of the public in Wake, Orange and Durham counties where the investments/referendums had been approved at different times over the past 3 years. Anyone attending the public meetings or seeking information or surveys online would have access to the video and print pieces.

Strategy Objective:In addition to a brochure and website we also wanted to use video as a way to tell the story about all 3 investments, include people from the community talking about how the investments would impact them/their community. In providing this video we were able to tell the holistic story in a cohesive way that allowed folks considering the plans the ability to give feedback based on not only their counties plan but how it would fit into the others.

Situation Challenge: We needed a campaign and marketing pieces that would allow our transit partners in all 3 counties the resources to assist them when talking about transit investments not only in their community, but also how it would tie into the other counties plans. The GoForward campaign allowed everyone to tell a consistent story to enable critical feedback from the community. Voters passed referendums in all 3 counties at different times making it difficult at times for the public to understand how all three plans would work individually and together. The video specifically allowed us to tell a visual story of the changes they would see in the years to come.

Results Impact: The end result was a powerful video that was used at many public meetings and online to help folks make sense of the overall plan w/in all 3 counties. It was a great tool to introduce this concept while also including many voices from around the community!

Why Submit: Working with other counties can be very challenging when trying to come up with a cohesive message. Many want to focus primarily on their own upcoming changes and don't have the ability to create overarching pieces to help explain tough concepts to the public. We were able to create key marketing pieces while working alongside and gathering feedback from our partners resulting in a final video that spoke to each county, their improvements and how they all would fit together.