EAST JAPAN RAILWAY COMPANY campaign to improving manner for using railway (No.1)

Target Audience: Mainly targeting foreign visitors from English-speaking countries and also the foreigners living in Japan who use railroads regardless of whether or not accustomed to using railroads.

Strategy Objective: Based on the bad behaviors described in the above, we aimed to create a poster that solves the three points: ?being able to communicate the results that can occur from that behavior ?being able to communicate in a limited space ?being able to be understood at a glance. The poster we created illustrated four common behaviors seen in stations on a single page, which allow us to put up in a limited space. By using pictogram-like pictures, we made it easy to understand that how the behaviors will lead to the dangers. The reason why we used the pictogram style is that it is common all over the world and it can alert foreigners from non-English-speaking countries as well.

Situation Challenge: We focused on the four behaviors which are often seen in the customers: "rushing to ride on", "using smartphone while walking" "leaning against the doors on the platform", and "suitcase collision to others". Those are the actions that may lead to trouble or a serious accident. In response to these actions, stations alert attention by broadcasting etc. However, by the broadcasting, it is impossible to tell customers who move quickly to their destination that the results which can arise from their behavior. The broadcasting can only alert very simply as "Please stop doing something". The places to put posters in a station are also limited. There are more behaviors still haven't taken in the poster. That's why we created this poster.

Results Impact: By posting this poster, we expect that the customers' manners will improve, ensuring that they can use the station safely and comfortably, enabling smooth operation of the train, and we hope that all customers will enjoy comfortable and nice travels.

Why Submit: We are mainly targeting customers from foreign countries who are from English-speaking countries, but this poster makes it possible to encourage everyone who uses the station to improve the manners. For that reason, we created the poster easy to understand from customers' viewpoints of all countries. Our desire is to make all customers' traveling to be comfortable, fun and wonderful without unexpected accidents or injuries. We are hoping that traveling in Japan will be comfortable by the improvement of the manners and that they will love Japan and Japanese railways more. Also, better manners lead to their "thoughtfulness". With this poster, we hope that customers will spread their "thoughtfulness" by calling for better manners in their own country after they go back.