VVTA Awareness Outdoor Campaign
Target Audience: The target audiences for this campaign were current and potential transit riders in the communities of Victorville, Hesperia and Apple Valley ' served by Victor Valley Transit.
Strategy Objective:The objective of the campaign to increase visibility of VVTA and enhance its user-friendliness by promoting the technology tools that making using transit easier. The campaign used high visibility outdoor media ' 12 bus sides and 24 bus shelters ' to promote three key messages: -Get real-time bus arrival info at the new VVTA.org -Plan your trip now with Google Maps -Stay in touch with Free WiFi on VVTA buses Every poster featured a different image to keep the campaign fresh and eye-catching over time. They also used several variations of the "Set Yourself Free" theme to communicate the benefits of transit and the new technology information tools.
Situation Challenge: VVTA operates a large number of routes over a sprawling suburban area. Ridership has been declining for the past year and the system's passenger information program was not very user-friendly. During this project, system implemented a number of technology enhancements including a new website with trip planning, zoomable maps and real-time information and WiFi on all buses.
Results Impact: While the results of awareness campaign are long term, we have a few pieces of data that indicate the campaign has already had a measurable impact. -Website traffic has grown from 30,000 sessions in August 2018 when the website was launched to 58,000 in October 2018. -Pre and post campaign on-board surveys show that the % of riders who use Google Maps as their primary schedule info source has grown from 10% to 23%.
Why Submit: This campaign made the most of the resources available to VVTA. It used their own vehicles and bus shelters to implement a high impact campaign with broad reach within the Victor Valley communities. Both the targeted messaging and visual appeal of the campaign contributed to its success.