Mountain Metropolitan Transit Campaign to Promote New College Pass Program
Target Audience: Target Audience - College students and parents of college students.
Strategy Objective:The strategy was to make this an integrated campaign that used many different outlets to reach two very different demographics, students and parents. The media outlets included: print ads in local newspapers and magazines, on Mountain Metro buses (tails/queens), inside college campus shuttle buses, on Mountain Metro shelters and on-campus shelters, and in campus bathroom stalls. We also utilized radio advertising, stickers (apparently college students like stickers :)), social media and a strong web presence on our site and the college site. There was not enough budget for television.
Situation Challenge: This campaign was developed to educate college students and their parents about the college pass program. The pass program was newly implemented and we needed to get the word out that college students can now ride by just swiping their student ID card.
Results Impact: The campaign reached many in our community and so generated greater public awareness about our transit system but the most important impact to us was college student ridership. Ridership was up a whopping 34% from the same time period in late 2017. Additionally, we received approximately 178,000 impressions from the print ads and an estimated 224,000 impressions from the radio spot.
Why Submit: This entry was submitted to showcase how using a variety of media can help you reach a diverse audience. College student and parent demographics vary greatly from a 19-year old who relies on social media to a 56-year old who reads the local newspaper in print form. Our messaging covered print, online, web, social media, outdoor ads, radio and more.