VTA Rapid 522 Promotion
Target Audience: The target audience for VTA's Rapid 522 are current and potential riders to the Rapid 522 route. The Rapid 522 line traverses a corridor that currently carries the most riders in our system and potential riders that were targeted either worked or lived within a quarter mile from this corridor. More importantly, because of the expanded service and improved frequency of the route, especially during the weekends and off-peak period, we identified a sub-segment of audience that included service workers with earlier/later work schedules; young adults going to bars/restaurants; and seniors going on day trips.
Strategy Objective:The objective of this entry, is undoubtedly, to increase ridership. The strategy of the campaign was to tout the much improved frequency of the service and to highlight other key features such as signal priority; fewer stops; day and night service and fares that are the same as non-Express fares. Essentially, the messaging of the campaign aims to bridge the features of the product (improved frequency and expanded hours of service) with the benefits to the consumer (more convenient and reliable service).
Situation Challenge: In January 2018, VTA rolled out a much improved Rapid 522 product. This included off-peak frequency improvements (from 30 to 20 minutes); and extended hours on weekday and weekends (beginning at 6 a.m. and ending at 11:00 p.m.). With these improvements a campaign was implemented to highlight these positive product features and capture a niche market that was previously untapped.
Results Impact: Backed by a vigorous and substantial marketing campaign, the results have been stellar (especially in a nationwide environment of decreasing ridership)! For example, here are some snapshots of the ridership increases since VTA started promoting the service in January! +25.9% (January 2018 vs. February 2017) +26.4% (February 2018 vs. February 2017) +5.1% (August 2018 versus August 2017) +10% (September 2018 vs. September 2017)
Why Submit: The campaign, undoubtedly, is testament that providing the customer with a much improved product, more frequency and expanded service, AND supported by an aggressive marketing effort yields significant and exemplary results.