NFTA's Internal Campaign to Highlight Safety in the Workplace

Target Audience: The primary audience is NFTA/Metro employees.

Strategy Objective: The strategy of this campaign was to produce creative and relatable messages that communicate the importance of safety measures on the job, as well as promoting and highlighting employees who excel in safety. We created, the "Safety Pit Crew," made up of employees who go the extra mile every day: those who rigorously follow sound safety practices, take pride in their work, and exemplify the values of the NFTA. We needed to reach our audience through several channels and craft a lasting impression on our audience, so our marketing material was both informational and engaging.

Situation Challenge: Given the fast-paced work environment and 24/7 work schedules, it is difficult to capture the attention of our employees. We needed something cost-effective and creative, and this campaign needed to make a lasting impression. Our goal was to get their attention, demonstrate important safety techniques, hear the message from their peers, and make that lesson last.

Results Impact: Our ongoing campaign began in January 2017 with much excitement and positive feedback. Members of the "Safety Pit Crew" received well deserved accolades for their hard work and attention to safety detail. This was an effective way to promote our unsung heroes and create important learning moments for our valued employees. We also experienced measurable results. Our Recordable Injuries have decreased by 25%, Lost Time Injuries are down 32%, and Days Away dropped 11% (all stats are year over year).

Why Submit: Safety is the number one priority in public transportation, being proactive is critical to our overall operation, and many times, internal promotions are overlooked. We wanted to share our success in launching a creative and cost-effective campaign that helped demonstrate important safety practices with our employees and had measurable results that made a positive and lasting impact.