Mountain Metropolitan Transit Print Ads to Create Awareness about the Role Transit Plays in Economics

Target Audience: Target audience - The local business community, stakeholders who don't necessarily use transit, and community leaders.

Strategy Objective:Our community has recently won numerous national awards as a great place to live. Our economy is thriving and our job market is hotter than hot. We want to be sure that at least some of the credit for this success goes to transit. We targeted two local papers, the Colorado Springs Business Journal and the Colorado Springs Independent. The Colorado Springs Business Journal is the primary source of local business news. The Colorado Springs Independent newspaper focuses on local news, politics, food and drink, arts and entertainment, events, music, film and sustainability. The readers are our target audience.

Situation Challenge: We spend a lot of time and resource reaching out to our riders and their advocates, in this situation we were reaching for another audience made up primarily of non-riders. It can be a challenge getting their attention.

Results Impact: We received approximately 90,000 impressions for the Colorado Springs Business Journal and 108,000 impressions for the Colorado Springs Independent which created a greater public awareness. All design and layout was done in-house so the production costs were minimal.

Why Submit: This entry was submitted because the ads are unique, clear and concise. They take a different perspective, there are no images of buses or riders. The ads are thought provoking and help support the notion that public transit is important to a thriving economy.