Metrolink Campaign to Secure Funding: TIRCP/SCORE
Target Audience: As a vision for Metrolink's capital improvement needs, the Transit and Intercity Rail Capital Program (TIRCP) application was communicated to a number of audiences. Outreach to federal, state and local offices was critical to ensure Metrolink's success in obtaining grant funding. The education campaign successfully demonstrated the need and benefits of the program. State agencies, including the California State Transportation Agency (CalSTA), the California Transportation Commission (CTC) and the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans), were critically important audiences. Region-wide audiences included Metrolink passengers, community-based organizations, sub-regional government agencies, trade associations and business organizations.
Strategy Objective:The objective of the campaign was to submit a successful application to the State's Transit and Intercity Rail Capital Program (TIRCP) to secure funding for Metrolink's capital improvement program ' the Southern California Optimized Rail Expansion (SCORE). Following technical modeling and analysis from Metrolink's Planning Department, the Agency was tasked with creating an education strategy around the grant application with a focus on articulating cost-effectiveness, regional need and benefits of commuter rail service in Southern California as tool to relieve congestion and reduce emissions. The vision of the SCORE program is to have improved Metrolink service, which is provided by receiving fully funded capital projects.
Situation Challenge: Metrolink is the largest commuter rail operator in California. As the only regional operator to connect six Southern California counties, Metrolink service is a critical tool to relieve freeway congestion and reduce Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions. However, Metrolink's 534 route-mile network is highly constrained and limited during peak commuter service. With the release of the 2018 California State Rail Plan, it was clear that the region needed a vision to improve its rail infrastructure. In addition to commuter services provided by Metrolink, the rail network also supports intercity service and goods movement. With targeted investments, there are opportunities to benefit all current and future operators.
Results Impact: The comprehensive campaign associated with the SCORE Program and TIRCP application resulted in the largest grant awarded to Metrolink since its formation in 1992. This funding has provided an opportunity for the Agency to begin critical capital improvement projects aimed at increasing ridership throughout the system. The successful outreach components of SCORE, including brand awareness and media and stakeholder communications, have elevated the role of commuter rail as a convenient alternative to driving on our region's most-congested freeways. The funded projects and outreach will provide meaningful opportunities to optimize service and provides a vision for future grant applications.
Why Submit: This entry is being submitted for your consideration as a successful campaign which educated and inspired about the potential of Metrolink and commuter rail service. Through a comprehensive outreach campaign, Metrolink was successful in securing critical funding to benefit our most important stakeholder ' the communities we serve. The vision of improved commuter rail services provides Southern California an opportunity to reject its label of a region with crippling freeway congestion. Metrolink's TIRCP application was the first step of that vision. We believe that opportunity should be pursued and are grateful for the chance to share that vision with APTA through this AdWheel application.