RFTA Campaign to highlight and educate the need for local transit funding for the next 20 years
Target Audience: The target audience for our RFTA Destination 2040 campaign was male and female, ages 18-65+, locals in our service area who ride the bus or possibly ride the bus and are registered to vote. The target audience also included RFTA staff, board members and bus operators.
Strategy Objective:We wanted a campaign to use as a backdrop when needed for the public and local interest groups concerning Destination 2040. The campaign was very effective in displaying all of the information on why RFTA was planning to go to ballot for a 2.65 mill levy property tax. We used a logo, strategic statistics, info-graphics, social media ads and a custom map with the Proposed Improvements that would be directly generated from a successful ballot win and more funding for RFTA. The objective was to give a branding and consistent messaging for all things related to RFTA's Destination 2040 plan.
Situation Challenge: "Destination 2040" is the Roaring Fork Transportation Authority's (RFTA's) plan to address the region's current and future mobility needs. RFTA makes getting around our area easier and less expensive through the programs and services it provides. RFTA helps reduce automobile congestion and is good for the environment, however, it faces financial challenges in order to maintain its services and programs, as well as to meet the region's growing mobility needs. We created this campaign with strategical information and statistics to highlight the need for more RFTA funding and how RFTA planned to go for a 2.65 mill levy property tax on the November 2018 ballots.
Results Impact: This Destination 2040 campaign generated incredibly high public awareness and was a great tool to reference all things regarding the Destination 2040 plan. We are happy to say we won the ballot vote on November 6th with a yes vote. We credit this campaign and all associated materials with the win.
Why Submit: The Destination 2040 campaign was submitted for an Adwheel Award because of the quality of the work and the outcome of the ballot vote success for the project. The campaign became a staple for all staff members, board members, and drivers to reference and use during the planning and outreach process. It was used as a reference for information directly related to why RFTA needed additional funding moving into the future. Putting an identity to something that was very bland and hard to digest proved successful for RFTA. We believe the logo, identity, design, info-graphics, proposed improvements map laid the path to why RFTA needed funding to serve our area and it's constituents. We are proud and happy with the outcome and the success of the 2.65 mill levy property tax vote.