Minnesota Valley Transit Authority; Synchronized Services branding video to create brand awareness and grow ridership
Target Audience: Potential riders and riders in our service area
Strategy Objective:To help introduce MVTA's most recent communications outreach, we asked our bus operators to show off their skills in this video. Their carefully orchestrated driving is accompanied by an area chamber ensemble, with screen graphics promising "Upscale service. No strings attached." The closing visual reveals the new campaign tagline: "We Got This".
Situation Challenge: One challenge was finding a high profile video to capture attention at the start of a brand refresh for Minnesota Valley Transit Authority. We wanted to have a fun, highly share-able video that would capture the essence of our new tagline, "We got this." There were a host of logistical challenges that had to be addressed to make the video a reality, including finding orchestra performers to participate, blocking of a park and ride parking lot for a morning, and coordinating with fleet and driver staff. One of the biggest variables was the weather, and monitoring the forecast to make a "go" or "no go" call on the video shoot date. Fortunately, we ended up with a suitable day -- even though it was 42 degrees when the video shoot commenced.
Results Impact: This piece provided a signature element to build a refreshed branding campaign for the organization to build awareness of Minnesota Valley Transit Authority. The video has been used to generate buzz across a variety of online platforms, initially presented on MVTA's landing page, which receives an average of 842 unique visitors daily. The video has also been shared across our Facebook and Twitter accounts and reached more than 6,000 people within a week of digital launch.
Why Submit: The video is a creative and unique way to help launch our brand refresh and conveys the skill and coordination of our service without taking ourselves too seriously. (*Also included with the main video is a "Behind the Scenes" video on the day of the shooting.)