Sound Transit Rack Card campaign - Take the Sounder train to the game
Target Audience: Sports fans living outside of stadium area who travel by car to attend Seattle Mariners baseball games, Seahawks games and Sounder FC matches.
Strategy Objective:The strategy/objective was pretty straightforward ' to drive awareness that Sounder train was available on game days and increase ridership.
Situation Challenge: This was an awareness campaign to let our riders know that our Sounder train was available to take people to and from the games. Most people take the Sounder Train to commute to and from work, so we needed to shift their thinking and make them aware that the Sounder train was available during games days.
Results Impact: The results of this campaign were immediately evident ' our game day trains were full during each sporting event.
Why Submit: This entry should win an AdWheel for several reasons: 1. The new marketing campaign brought renewed attention to our Game Day service with messages that were tailored to each individual sporting event. 2. Graphically, we created a quickly identifiable look and feel. 3. It delivered the message in a fun and quick way. 4. It dramatically increased ridership during game days. 5. It got new riders (People who normally didn't ride Sounder) to try it.