Engaging Videos Encourage Ridership on OC Bus
Target Audience: People who live and work in: - OC Bus core service area - South Orange County where bus routes 89, 90, and 91 were improved - English and Spanish speakers
Strategy Objective:OCTA created two videos to increase awareness of cost-saving alternatives and late-night service on OC Bus. By going to the website mentioned in the videos, potential riders could sign up for free rides. Tactics included: - Social Media: Share promotional videos and display ads on social media. - Digital Advertising: Promote the videos on YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram. Create social display ads to encourage free ride incentives. - Landing Page: Add cost savings and late night service information to ocbus.com. - Email Marketing: Create email automation for new and existing riders in English and Spanish audiences. - Follow-up Survey: Send follow-up survey to new riders as part of the email automation to gauge experience and learn new insights.
Situation Challenge: Like other transit agencies around the country, OCTA is experiencing decreasing bus ridership. In response, OCTA launched OC Bus 360, an ongoing initiative to improve service and match it with demand. In 2018, OC Bus 360 improvements in two geographic areas presented opportunities for outreach to encourage ridership. In the core service area, OCTA expanded OC Bus hours during weekday evenings and weekends. In south Orange County, OCTA improved three bus routes.
Results Impact: The OC Bus ridership videos, some of the most popular videos on OCTA's YouTube channel, received over 550,000 views. Surveys were conducted as part of the video campaign, and over 70 percent of the viewers identified themselves as new riders. There was a 3.7 percent increase in OC Bus average weekday ridership on improved routes (Q1 vs Q2).
Why Submit: The extremely high percentage of new riders demonstrates the success of this campaign. The strategy and tactics used can be harnessed by other public transportation agencies to draw attention to bus improvements and encourage ridership.