Future VC Leader's Summit
Target Audience: College Students in Ventura County California
Strategy Objective:The strategy was to focus on local leadership and student activism to create heightened interest in mobility issues.
Situation Challenge: The VC Leaders Summit was created to raise the awareness and educate students about mobility and livability issues facing Ventura County and what may be done about them. Promotions for the summit generated great interest and year over year attendees grew by more than 30%.
Results Impact: 33% more attendance and raised awareness about transportation issues, careers and environmental impacts - which have always been a top priority for the Ventura County Transportation Commission (VCTC). VCTC in partnership with the region's major colleges hosted its second annual Future VC Leaders' Summit (a one-day education and career exploration event). The summit is a gathering where students learn how transportation, housing, economic and urban issues impact the local community. In an effort to equip Ventura County college students with the tools they need to better serve their communities, the summit provides students an opportunity to speak directly to civic leaders as well as influence policy and planning decisions.
Why Submit: Celtis was in charge of planning, organizing, and executing all summit responsibilities. The Celtis team created VCTC branded collateral for the event, including a program book, signage, a Powerpoint template and additional promotional materials. The event was then promoted through social media advertising, print advertising and eblasts. Most importantly, VCTC partnered with faculty and staff at various Ventura County colleges to promote the event on campus and recruit students to attend. Celtis researched professors and courses through school catalogs and invited them and their students to the free event. In addition, the team managed event registration, sent out eblasts, conducted polling/surveys, and coordinated event logistics such as venue, catering and guest transportation.