MyTARC - Full System Changeover (paper to fare card)

Target Audience: Our target audience was the entire Louisville regional community (Dependent, Choice, and Potential riders). Students, workforce, tourists, and general riders.

Strategy Objective:The objective was to inform our entire community so that no one would be left behind and everyone would be onboard with the changeover. The strategy was to use multiple personas and mediums. We utilized print (bus shelter ads, card sleeves, onboard bus advertisements, newspapers), Social Media (#MyTARC), Video (identifying the top 6 points of concern to address), Television (Press releases, open-door interviews to press for behind-the-scenes progress) Special Events (MyTARC Mobile Bus, Central High School), Street Team (system testing, pilot testing) and Partnerships with existing Organizations and companies.

Situation Challenge: TARC currently has a 20 year old system that only accepts cash and paper tickets/passes. We are moving over to an electronic fare card which will launch on January 2019. The challenge is to communicate why the system is changing, how this will rollout, how everyone will be affected, and what they can expect before and after the official launch date.

Results Impact: We have seen historic levels of engagement from the community, overwhelmingly positive support for the changeover, and an increase in greater public awareness for all of our efforts, including those not related directly with this campaign.

Why Submit: We are submitting our MyTARC educational effort campaign for consideration. It is a monumental public transportation effort for this region. It should win for this Adwheel category, the size and scope undertaken to bridge the gap in our region's transit system to take us from the paper system of the past into the next generation of digital mobility is a substantial. This necessary change will allow the Transit Authority of River City to deliver more reliable service, integrate new innovative technologies across the board, and encourage economic growth beyond our service area.